Most Dangerous Stunt Ever By Two Girls-Do You Dare To Do This???...Check Out the Video

Most Dangerous Stunt Ever By Two Girls-Do You Dare To Do This???...Check  Out the Video
Most Dangerous Stunt Ever By Two Girls-Do You Dare To Do This??? Click on TOP to see the Video

Saturday, December 27, 2014

PK Movie Review -Rajkumar Hirani's "PK " Starring Aamir Khan

"PK"…was really an excellent effort by Rajkumar Hirani,Aamir & Anushka ,delivering a beautiful message to the INDIAN’s who are blind in the name of religion. When THREE IDIOTS showcased the vulnerabilities in the Indian education system, PK points fingers on every religious institutes making money in the name of GOD.

After the release PK has come under the attack of Hindutva group for allegedly hurting their religious sentiments. There are many scenes in the movie which makes mockery of the costly rituals that we follow in its place of helping the needy.The rituals that is sacred for one religion is considered sin for another.

PK makes us realize that GOD is universal and needs no care takers on earth nor any fight in the name of GOD. The core idea of film as Rajkumar Hirani SAYS is that we are not born with a birthmark proclaiming we are Hindus or Muslims or Sikhs or Christians. It is just that like a baby is born without any pre-conceived notions and is made to follow a certain lifestyle and perform certain rituals

What do you have to say about “PK” …share your comments with me @Sharika


  1. I liked the concept of PK , except few things like Taking wine bottle to Masjid and Taking coconut to Church ....



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